Bulk SMS API Technical Documentation

Few Sample coding snippets are presented here for your understanding on using Veevo Bulk SMS API.


Please review brief PHP integration approch for one-way traffic, for two-way Integration contact us.

PHP JSON Formated SMS Sending API

$APIKey = '6aa19b26151b66c20a34c4c09a3259383eb3a3b';

$receiver = '923001234567';
$sender = '8583';
$textmessage = 'Test SMS from VT API';

$url = "https://api.veevotech.com/sendsms?hash=".$APIKey. "&receivenum=" .$receiver. "&sendernum=" .urlencode($sender)."&textmessage=" .urlencode($textmessage);

#----CURL Request Start
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 30;
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url) ;
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout) ;
$response = curl_exec($ch) ;
curl_close($ch) ;
#----CURL Request End, Output Response
echo $response ;

Return Values with it's description in JSON "STATUS"
SESSION_EXPIRED When APIKey is wrong/account suspended.
QUOTA_ERROR Billing platform error, your account have no balance, contact VT Sales.
FAILED When SMS submission is failed due to certain technical issues on network, please retry or contact VT Technical Support.
WRONG_NUMBER When receiver number is not valid or not in accordance to the pattern.
ACCEPTED When the message is successfully accepted for delivery.
hash A Long secure hash provided by VT Technical/Commercial team used as login to API account.
receivenum Receiver Mobile Number in International or National format, i-e 923xx or 03xxxx
sendernum Your SMS sender number, this should either be your allocated short code or a Mask/Brand name.
receivernetwork This is an optional parameter it can be passed in-case of MNP numbers.
textmessage It takes text message that needs to be sent.